March 1, 2010
Honorable Stephen Bosworth
Special Envoy to North Korea
Department of State
Dear Ambassador;
Thank you for your exemplary service to the United States in pursuit of peace and security, especially as it relates to the Korean Peninsula. Our paths have crossed several times during my 20 year tenure in the House of Representatives and I have always admired your leadership and perspectives on US/Korean relations.
I write to you on two issues. Chan Ho Park, international correspondent for Joonang Ilbo, is interested in scheduling an interview with you at your convenience to discuss North/South relations and your perspectives. Park is a respected and balanced writer and has a large following. He was in the US for 3 years and returned to Seoul last year where he is now based. If you agree to meet I can assist in arranging a contact with your staff.
As I am sure you are aware, I was a lead Member in the Congress on DPRK issues. As Vice Chair of the Armed Services Committee my primary goal during my 20 year tenure in the House was to avoid war yet always show bi-partisan support for the President and our stated foreign policy objectives. I served on the Speakers Task Force on North Korea and served as point person in the House on DPRK’s missile programs, military activities, nuclear efforts and human rights abuses. With Joe Biden and his key staff Frank Januzzi I was the only House Member involved in State Department sponsored programs in Georgia and DC interacting directly with DPRK Foreign Ministry officials. I have given dozens of speeches and programs on North/South relations at Stanford, the Korea Society in NYC and other forums in the US and abroad.
I organized and led both US Congressional delegations into Pyongyang and was asked by 7 senior Members of the House last year to arrange a 3rd trip for them back into North Korea. As I have always done, I immediately briefed my good friend John Merrill at DOS I&R as well as NSA Jim Jones. At their request I held the Delegation back but received a formal invitation to visit from UN DPRK Minister Kim Myong Gil in September 2009. Kim Myong Gil was a participant in each on my sessions in Pyongyang and is a strong supporter of my efforts in the past.
During my two trips to Pyongyang I have met with Kim Gye Gwan for over 10 hours in meetings and social settings – I achieved a good rapport with him and other Foreign Ministry officials. I also maintain excellent and close relations with my colleagues in Congress, including my close friend Sylvestre Reyes (Chairman Intel). Clearly understanding the threats posed by DPRK and Kim Jong Il, I also firmly believe that a transparent non-nuclear settlement with DPRK leadership (through the 6 party process and direct) can be achieved.
I maintain strong ties to the current leadership in Blue House and the Parliament and have visited Seoul several times since leaving Congress.
I seek no formal title, no public position nor monetary remuneration but sincerely offer my humble services to assist your efforts in any way in which I might be helpful. I stand available at your request to meet in the US or Seoul.
God Bless You in your most important assignment.
Best Regards,
Curt Weldon
Member of Congress (1987-2007)