Accomplishments (2007-2017)

Domestic Career Victories/Accomplishments (2007 – 2017)

  • AMB Treaty Violation – holding Russia Accountable    418-0 Vote on House Floor
  • V-22 Osprey – Killed by Cheney – completely restoration led by Weldon
  • National Missile Defense Legislation – Weldon Bill (#1 in Contract with America)
  • National Oceans Partnership Program – Linked all Federal Ocean Entities
  • Congressional Fire & EMS Caucus & Institute – Founder /Chairman
  • International Energy Advisory Council – Founder/Chairman
  • Gilmore Commission – Legislation Author
  • EMP Commission – Congressional Leader and EMP Commission Legislative Author
  • Assistance to Firefighter Grant (AFG) Program – Legislation Author
  • SAFER Fire Legislation – Legislation Co-Author
  • Kuwait Task Force – Founder/Chairman
  • Congressional Empowerment Caucus/$300 Million CAA Increase – Co-Chair
  • SMART Region Caucus & Initiative – Founder and Chair
  • Paoli Battlefield Preservation – Funding Leader
  • John Heinz Wildlife Refuge – Legislative Author and Champion
  • US Capitol Life Safety Protection – Mandate Updating Congress Life Safety